Month: July 2014

His Future 5


As Jared drove his unassuming truck through the streets of Los Angeles, he ran lines with himself.

“I’m not going to sing the song until you answer me.” he said with Johnny Cash’s affect “Marry me June Carter.”

Jared adjusted the mirror, slicked back his hair and tasted Johnny’s words on his tongue again. “Marry me June.” he said as he squeezed the ring box on his lap with his left hand.  “Marry me Bridget.” he whispered in his own voice.

Jared slapped on his blinker as the words evaporated in the air. He just missed his turn off and needed to make an illegal Uturn to get back on track.  He peeked over his shoulder, waited for an icy Lamborghini to pass and said softly “Will you …marry me?” The truck screeched in protest as he turned sharply.  Jared’s mind was still elsewhere as he looked for that flower shop he stumbled in to a few weeks ago in the never ending row of shops on Ventura.

He wanted to patronize this particular shop today because of the juju or superstition or just because he didn’t feel like a fool the last time he wandered in there a few weeks back.  A particular shop that was bursting at the seams when he wandered in, with Calla Lilies no church would receive.  No hall would welcome.  A canceled wedding the day before on everyone’s lips.  Big timers big day gone bust.  They practically begged Jared to take the whole lot of them.

He had hemmed and he had hawed before finally sending three arrangements out: his mother, his Emma and his Chloe the beneficiaries of someone else’s misfortune; purchasing a dozen long-stemmed pink Peonies for Bridget, and walking out of there feeling like a really good dude.  A nice guy.  Someone who sends flowers unexpectedly to the girls in his life.

That place, the one he couldn’t find at the moment, made Jared feel calm.

He had hand delivered Bridget’s white paper wrapped pink Peonies to her at her door step that night.  Like a good old fashioned boy.  Made love to her before she put them in water and they made it to the bedroom like a rabbit in heat.

He needed that juju again.  And advice.  From the little woman behind the counter, the one he discovered while filing out the cards for the girls, had been married 47 years before ‘her Ivan’ passed away.  He need the tender faced florist to tell Jared how to start the journey to become Bridget’s Ivan. To school him, mentor him, give him a clue.  He didn’t have many – no, actually he didn’t have any – successful marriages to look upon.  The little old lady with the calloused fingers (too many pricks from long-stem roses) knew something about love.  Something about what it took to be Ivan.

Studio City Blooms?  Where the fuck is Studio City Blooms?  Between Lankershim and what…fuck!

He tried to calm himself with lines again “You have bewitched me, body and soul Elizabeth, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.”  Jared spoke eloquently as he read the neon signs.

Then he grumbled as Rocky “I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind marrying me very much.”

He hopped around the cab as Elaine “Alright Jerome, I’m in.  Maybe we should get married.  Maybe everything we need is right here in front of us.  Let’s do it.”

“Will YOU marry ME?”

“Wanna get hitched?”

“How ’bout I make an honest woman outta ya?”

Every line that tumbled from his lips as he sat in traffic on the Blvd sounded awful, even when delivered with a Southern accent. A Scottish accent.  Like a New Yorker.  Bostonian.  None of these words, other people’s words, were poetic enough.  They were just words.  Words that would change everything. That made their love something bigger than them both.

If he were to ask her, today, tomorrow, someday, this thing, this love of theirs, would become a tradition.  A right of passage.  An expectation.  The next step.  The final step.  Marriage.  It would gnaw at what they have like a bacteria.  Consume it.  Regurgitate it.  Make it weak.

Jared hit the breaks at the last possible second, narrowly missing a fender bender with his beat-up faded-black pickup and a pristine persimmon Range Rover.  Sweat was prickling up along the collar of his shirt.  He stripped away the button up.  Tossed it on the seat behind him and ran his fingers through his hair.  The ring box fell to the floor.  He stretched to retrieve it.  One eye on the road, the other at his feet.  He couldn’t get it … it slipped further from his grasp to a inch from the brake pedal.

Jared couldn’t catch his breath. He was getting hotter – overheating.  He rolled down the window and stuck his head out like a pup.  He swerved to avoid a Honda that materialized out of thin air and launched his truck up the curb.  Where it came to rest on top of a mailpost in front of a little Mexican cafe.

“Fuck me!” he shouted as he slammed the steering wheel with his hands.  He retrieved the ring box from the floor. Brushed off the road dust and tucked it in to the glovebox.

He sat back as chaos swirled around the front end of his truck.  Witnesses.  Storytellers.  Eventually a cop.  Jared pulled his iphone out of his pocket, fumbled to unlock it, slid past Bridget’s name in his contact list and instead dialed Chloe direct “I can’t do it!” he screamed before she had even finished her hello.

“Can’t do wha – oh Jared.” she said.  Sympathetic and completely understanding. An old friend.  One who has been there for all of the other times he just couldn’t do it.  “Calm down.  Are you home?  Want tea?”

“I want…” his voice cracked “To marry Bridget.”

“Ok, so…then marry her.”

“I can’t.”

“You can. And you will. You love her.  And she loves you.”  Chloe sighed and blew out the soy candle by her tub.  She was getting ready to take an indulgent mid-afternoon bath but that would have to wait.  As Jared explained his fears, his reservations and eventually the fact that he was perched on a mailpost in front of Guapo Nacho, Chloe got dressed, set her house alarm, hopped in her car and headed his way.

“You love her Jared.  More than anyone I’ve ever seen you love.” she sighed again. Not entirely sure that was true but certain it was what he needed to hear.  Bridget is good enough for him – and it took  no time at all for Chloe to remind him that no one he has ever brought in to their circle before fit that same bill.  Bridget would always be good enough.

“I know.  I know.  I know.”  he swore

“Just do it Jared. Don’t complicate it.  Just do it.”

“As if it were that easy….”

“It is. You have the ring.  Take a knee and give it to her.”

“It can’t be that simple.”

“It is and it always will be with Bridget.  Remember that.  Keep it simple stupid.”


“Yes.  Simple.”

“Ok.  Keep it simple.”


Trinity 3

“Now that you’ve got me up here what are you …” Trinity began to speak but was quickly cut off by Jared grabbing her by the chin and lifting her slightly so she stumbled backwards on her heels until she slammed up against the wall.  Trinity was shocked by his aggressiveness.  Not prepared with a reaction.  Tears stung her eyes.  Not from pain, not from fear, but from being out done.  She wasn’t prepared for that…that immediate shift of control.  Her loss, his gain.

Trinity’s coyness evaporated as he held her face in his hands.  Not a romantic gesture.  Not kind or with pity.  He was growling at her through his fingertips. Backing her in to a corner lest he bite.  She had no idea what to do or how to respond with her lips puckered beneath his fingertips and her heart beating itself free from its cage.

She stared in to his eyes.  Eyes like a vampire’s.  Azure lace over ice.  And waited for his next move.  He was content with staring.  Pushing his hips lazily in to her.  Breathing her in.  His lips close to her neck.  Her ear.  Grinding himself against her bones.  “You’re hurting me.” Trinity protested as Jared’s fingers dug deeper in to the skin around her mouth.  She could feel desire warm him though his movements were quite cold and more than likely heavily calculated.

He was taking a risk with Trinity.  Assuming she would give in.  Not from fear but from her own selfish need. A need so apparent, she was almost too easy a mark.  He thought about insulting her.  Calling attention to all the ways her body was betraying her mind.  The sweet smells emanating from the secret places on her body he wanted to penetrate.  How, though pinned as she were, she hadn’t fought back.  Didn’t shove, kick or slap him.  Her hands perfectly free.  Able to strike.  Pull hair.  Physically protest.  Her knees able to connect with his groin in an instant should she feel so inclined.

And he wondered then, as he dragged his lips across her collarbone, if he should remind her that, in spite of all of that potential, she had done nothing to dissuade him.  But it was getting late and he needed to be inside her now.  To satisfy his own selfish need and to get out of this fucking club and away from all the lights, shitty music and cirque de soliel dancers.

Want flavored venom bubbled under the surface of Jared’s pretty face. His long hair, untamed and golden like a lion’s mane, hung across his arm as it stretched out to her face.  Her breasts inches from his forearm.  Deep breaths heaving her cleve up and down before him.  A seductive dance.  Enchanting and distracting.

“Shhh.  Trust me.” he said before releasing his hand from her face and replanting it firmly around her throat.  He lifted her again and she was forced to stand on her tippy toes or be hung from his wrist.  Her oxygen supply lessened by his grip on her throat.  She felt light headed.

“Stop it.” she said and he let her down and slid his hand deep in to her hair.

Jared’s lips moved over the tender skin around her mouth, kissing where he felt the flames he left behind and he whispered in her ear “Do you want me?”

And Trinity’s body betrayed her in a wave of lust.  She quickened and she gasped “Yes.”

And he took her right there.  Against the wall in the VIP.  His pants at his ankles.  Her skirt around her waist.  And he entered her without tasting her.  And he filled her with violent strokes as he pounded against her flesh with fury.  His mouth angry against her skin.  Tearing at her breasts with his fingertips.  Palms full with her like a butcher and hunks of meat.  A breast, her ass, a thigh as he ground deeper, then her hips as he lifted her higher…

She was a rag doll on a pedestal.  Raised up from the floor, impaled by Jared and held aloft as the intensity increased and increased.  Legs wrapped around him.  Fabric arms, no elbows, draped over his shoulders because they had no where else to go.  No job to do.  No strength until without warning she came hard with him deep inside of her.  Opening wider to accept his seed, spiraling in to the beyond as a reward for a million years of procreation. She came so hard she dug her nails in to the skin of his back.  She arched and drew blood as the orgasm rippled through her.

Jared’s shirt was torn by her well manicured tips as she grabbed at him in the throws of ecstasy.  Her orgasm followed quickly by a second.  His strokes so fast and so deep.  Hitting all of her sweet spots.  Her eyes fixed on the ceiling.  Lids heavy with lust.  Everything aching all at once.

Trinity was fulfilled.  On top of a stranger who smirked and then pulled himself from her.  His orgasm covering her thigh as he set her down on the ground again.  He leaned in to her.  One hand above her, an incomplete cage.  She remained there in silence, waiting for his instruction.  Owned.  Easily.  Obviously.  And completely.

Trinity Irish 0

Jared Leto …. 1

His Future 4

I missed Jared … big time. His trips abroad always last forever but usually I’m too wrapped up in my own thing to pine too hard for him. But this trip felt different. Like a part of me was missing, not just feeling his absence but an actual loss. A hole in my life. Seriously, when you date a guy like him, you have to be independent (or you’d go crazy the first month) and I am very independent. I have an active social life. An important job. My own hobbies. I’m a full person and I truly enjoy “me” time. But more days that not, while he was away, I found myself feeling quite lonely. Discontent and super sad.

It wasn’t until I caught myself crying in the shower that I realized, I’ve got a problem. So I flew out to see him when the band had a stop in Estonia. We had a dinner after the show and caught up on what I had been missing. Then I returned home sadder than I had been before I flew out there.

My 24 hours with him was simply perfect. He did his routine – radio, tv spot then concert and I did mine – check/respond to emails, put in a reorder for some items the book shop was running low on and I sent 50 snapchats to my besties. I was content. We met a few new people for dinner, toured Estonia in the dark, made love and went our separate ways. But whats that silly saying “Leave your heart in San Francisco?” something like that…well I left mine in Estonia, then it traveled to Russia before back to back nights in Cannes.

I write Jared letters while he’s away, long letters on monogrammed stationary where my penmanship tells as much of a story as the words.  In block letters or cursive I tell him all about every thing he’s missing back here.  Every sunrise. Every kiss.  Yesterday’s customers.  Tomorrow’s plans. Kind of funny when I flip through the letters (I keep them in a shoe box under the bed on my side) I can see my own growth over the months.  How being without him got easier as my heart decided it was better off without him to when it became hard again when my heart decided to join him on the road.  Maybe someday I’ll let him read them.  They’re quite morose at times. More like diary entries than letters to my lover.  But they exist.  If he’s ever curious about when flirting with one of my best customers (who just so happened to be an Oscar winning actor/Grammy winning singer) switched to romantic feelings then unadulterated love.

In case it wasn’t insanely obvious, I’ve got it bad. A yearning inside me that’s beyond my control. A need for him that I can’t quite describe. Love. I’m in love. And I suspect he is too. His lust, not the key but, rather, it’s the more innocent times like when he returns from the road having picked up a book for me in every duty free shop in every airport he’d pass through … and he would have read each of the books, highlighted passages or written me notes in the margins.  Stories within the stories.  Words he needed me to read.  The words other men have said better than he ever would.  But words with the sentiments he would utter if he could find the words within himself.  But they escape him, like the sun escapes the day.

Sometimes, instead of the books, he brings me sketchpads from the little gift shops along the Thames, Seine, Wien and the Volga River that he fills with his pop art doodles.  I have a box of those under the bed on my side too.

Not that presents are a sign of anything more than my existence had a presence in his mind so often that he was compelled to pick up something for me to quiet his brain or satisfy his longing too in every single city; but they sure do make me feel good.  That he wanted me to experience some bit of every one of those cities with him, in the form of a gift shop trinket or a New York Times Best Seller, is romantic.  Maybe he has it bad too?

He just shut off the water in the shower and has to get ready to do some charity appearance at the KROQ studios so I’m going to put this away for the night but I suspect you’ll hear more from me as time goes on.

Wish me luck? Wont you?

Xo Bridget Lovegood

His Future 3

After a few hours of much needed sleep, Jared Leto was at peace as he stared out a window that framed the west side of the Hollywood Hills and sipped from a room temperature bottle of water. The sunrise was impressive, as is often the case. Atomic orange and persimmon rose up from behind the mountains as a Spanish blue enveloped the remains of the sky.

Jared finished his water, placed the glass bottle on the window sill and stretched his arms above his head. His spine realigned and he felt taller as he ran his palm across his stomach and settled his fingertips in to the waist band of his pajama pants.  He returned his eyes to the California horizon.  Home. It’s so good to be home.

Bridget was asleep when Jared came in last night and from her slumber she made only a desultory acknowledgement of his return. He was hungry for her now. His need growing as he turned away from the window and back to their shared bed. She lay there wrapped inside a white sheet and blanket. Her innocence and vulnerability fueling his desire for her flesh. He coveted the feeling of her beneath him. On her back and open wide to receive him deep inside her. Lips parted for his tongue. Hands clenching his biceps as they shared a passion that brought them both to a peak then released them to the sling-shot spirals of ecstasy.

Jared slipped his hand inside his pants and massaged his cock. Long well-versed strokes that felt too good with his woman in the room. He let go of himself and walked back to their bed; his rock hard erection tenting his pajama pants. Jared hoped Bridget would wake and call out to him; a need in her voice that would mirror the one in his heart.  But she stayed still as he made his way across the room.

When he reached their bedside, he climbed out of his pajamas, let them gather on the floor and slid up inside Bridget’s cocoon of blankets and sheets. He laid down behind her and let his eyes roam across the patches of skin that snuck out from beneath her blanket.  Patches of her.  Suggestive samples of the woman he adored.  He loved her skin, freckled but baby smooth. It looked like peach sorbet or a few shades lighter than a sweet apricot butter. Reddened by too much attention from the sun, she must have spent yesterday on the trails. A strip of sunburned skin begged for a smear of aloe.  He thought about cuming on her thighs.  The milky white of his release would have a florescence to it in contrast against her burnt skin.

He moved in closer so that he was cradling her again; careful not to rub against her sunburn. Her thighs felt warm against his skin. Her breaths even and undisturbed. His dick still throbbing with need, he hitched up her pajama shirt to expose a breast…her breath changed as he massaged her and pinched softly at the delicate skin of her nipple.  From somewhere in the space between her dreams, a fantastical reality was calling to her, she moaned quietly in reply.

Jared released her breast and kissed her collarbone as he let his hand dip between her legs.  She parted them for him, awake now and aware of his desire.  “mmm” she said as he circled his fingers in and out of her and tangled his tongue within the folds of her ear.

“I need you …” Jared moaned. His journey inside her, with his long fingers buried deep, reminded him again of how she felt wrapped around his painfully erect cock.  He wasn’t going to last long and that was just fine, Bridget was ready for him now, wide awake and full of want. She revealed her need for him in juices he lapped from his fingertips before he slid her lace panties off, they had been pushed to the side as he explored.

Bridget rolled on to her back and let her knees fall to each side and Jared settled in between with his cock teasing her outer lips and his hips against her buttocks. Their eyes locked as Bridget felt the weight of him atop of her and smiled.  He kissed just beside her bellybutton, at the underside of her breast and along the pulsating veins in her neck before sliding his hands beneath her to lift her hips as he pushed himself inside her slowly.  His purple tip disappearing beneath the pink of her swollen puss-puss.

He paused to let her insides adjust to him, to stretch to accommodate his girth once again. Her softness was wrapped around his shaft.  As tight as he remembered in his time alone with his thoughts and not her.  Slowly, he pulled and pushed himself in and out of her; careful not to hurt her at first, then his strokes became more intense as they kissed and reacquainted themselves; then finally the polite passion of two making love gave way to explosive animalistic strokes inside her.  Fast pounding of flesh against flesh.  Slapping skin.  Pulled hair.  Bitten necks.  And when she came she called his name, then dug her nails deep in his back.  And when he came he couldn’t speak.  He couldn’t see, he could just feel ecstasy envelope him like the rays of the rising sun did the sky and he remembered home and that she was it for him.  And he collapsed on top of her.  His milky white cum coating her cervix instead of her thigh.


Trinity 2

Jared led Trinity off the dance floor, towards the stairs that lead to VIP, with his right hand on the small of her back.  It was a very subtle gesture, she could barely feel his hand there, but it was a very suggestive gesture just the same. It gave orders:  head this way, not that.  Move forward.  Keep going.  Don’t stop.  It laid claim.  Made one of them the leader, the other the follower.

As Trinity came to understand who was leading who, she reminded the cosmos that she’s not submissive.  She felt the need to remind Jared of the same. Their arrangement needed readjustment…quickly; so she stopped walking forward.  He stumbled in to her, the front of his shoe collapsing in to her heel and she outwardly snickered.  They shared a look.  He wasn’t happy; she was delighted.

It was quite obvious Trinity is playing a game and it was starting to piss him off.  He wasn’t interested in all this.  He just wanted to sink his dick deep down inside her.  Bite at her tattoos as he came on her back.  He didn’t want the rest of the fanfare.  The trouble.

Jared sighed as she tried to assert her dominance on him.  Such a useless effort on her part.  They all submit, eventually.  It used to be a lot less work getting a fan in to bed before he made that damn Hurricane video.  Everyone thinks they’re BDSM now.  Though very very few actually are.  Takes a lot more than a set of handcuffs to get Jared off.

“Move your fucking ass.” he grumbled before nudging her ahead, his hand firmer on the dip in her back.  She took one step to steady herself but stayed put like a pouting child standing her ground.  Her arms might as well be crossed over her chest, her bottom lip puffed out, a giant rainbow colored swirl lollipop in her hand and a cute little fucking tiny yip-yapping puppy in the other.  He pushed her with force this time…her feet lifted off the sticky black floor tile.  Trinity gazed back over her shoulder, a look on her face that he has seen only a handful of times before.  One that said “you’re fucking with the wrong chick.”

He was inches behind her and he was getting hard.  “Go over to the stairs.” he mouthed to her.

“Why?” she asked back.

“Because I said so…” he said and that made her turn completely around.

“Kiss me.” she demanded.

Jared looked at her, not at the crowd like she expected and said “No.”

“Then I wont go.”

“Then you don’t go …” and he stepped to the side as if he were going to walk around her and leave.  She turned around and returned to the dance floor.  Immediately sidling up to a stranger and grinding her behind in to his crotch.  Jared watched for a moment then took three giant steps towards her and grabbed her by the wrist and he pulled her (not quite kicking or screaming …thats later) the rest of the way to the stairs.

Trinity smiled ear to ear as she struggled to keep his pace.  She didn’t want to make a scene but she did like winning round two of this game.  A game with Jared Leto.  The master of his little kingdom.  So full of it that he wore a gold crown on stage.  A scepter was next.  She saw one in the casino’s gift shop and suspected he might have one of equal impress in his pants.

Let’s play a game Leto.  A naughty game.  A naked game.

You be the gamer sitting crossed legged on the floor,
Trinity will meet you on Level Eight.

“You’re naughty.” he said as they entered the dark side of the club near the staircase.  An occasional wave of light would circle by them like a beam from a lighthouse searching for lost ships.

“No I’m not.”

“Oh, but you are. I can already tell.” he pinched her chin “Wait here.” Jared commanded as he climbed the steps to VIP two at a time.

Trinity debated what to do in that moment.  There’s a very fine line between building the sexual tension and being just plain old fucking annoying and too much work.  She thought about hiding.  Walking away.  Making him chase her again.  But before she could make up her mind about what to do next, a few people were coming down the stairs and giving her dirty looks.

Jared was at the top of the stairs now, crooking his finger at her.  Telling her to come up and join him.  She complied at once then immediately regretted it.


Meet His Future 2

He doesn’t think that I know about the kisses. The ones he gives me in the middle of the night while he thinks I’m fast asleep. But I know. It takes all of the strength I have inside me not to whimper in those moments. Or to grab him and pull him down on top of me, disrobe him and make the most passionate and consummate love two people have ever shared.

Those kisses are everything. So soft and delicate. So loving and all telling. His kisses, the ones he thinks are secret, are sacred. They’re what keep me grounded. Let me face another day, another week, with or without him. Sometimes the with is more trying than the without. But he’s worth it. Worth the looks and the pain and the messages that come up in google that call me fat and ugly. The ones that attempt to dethrone me, prove beyond a shadow of doubt that I’m not his girl, I’m just ‘some’ girl. Those days, those days are the hard ones, because I do care what the world thinks. Though I know I should not. But I do. I’m only human. And this human loves that human and that should be that. But it isn’t. Because I’m not conventionally pretty and I eat too many carbs.

I’m human and that’s not good enough because Jared, my sweet sweet human, is a God to so many. Too many. No, not too many. Just too many with big mouths and no filters and endless amounts of empty time they choose to waste on my imperfections. But those girls (and a handful of boys) don’t get to be kissed the way I’m kissed. While I’m fast asleep. While there’s nothing for him to gain by kissing me.

I wish they could understand, these opinionated trolls, that the kisses that soothe Jared’s soul come from me…when all I’m doing is sleeping. That means something. And it should matter. And it should be enough. And it should explain it all. Why I am his girl. The one he dreams about. The one he kisses when I’m fast asleep, because the kisses we share when awake aren’t enough to sustain him. He needs more, more than the daylight hours can provide. More than the million we share as one. He needs more … of me.

These people, these people who don’t recognize I’m a human being with a heart and a soul and feelings, they don’t get it or me or us or this … and maybe they never will. But they’re hurting me. And if he loves me and I’m hurt, you’re hurting him too. Remember, Jared picked me. Or maybe his God did. But he is by my side by choice. Because of love and need and want and desire. You love him so much, respect his decision. Let him love a girl with crooked teeth. Let him love a girl with thick thighs and little feet. Let him love the one he has chosen to love. And be a human about it.

He’s here … for the rest of his life. And so am I, because I love him just the same. If he didn’t give me kisses at 3am, I’d be giving them to him.

If these mouths and those opinions loved him like they purport to, they’d understand I love him too. And that I’ll be good to him. I’ll hike with him. Read with him. Travel with him. Massage his tired back. Puff his pillows. Engage his mind. Challenge him. Make him a better man. I’ll do those things, just the same as they would. Maybe better. Because I love him and he deserves it. Respect. Adoration. Affection and Release. I’ll give it all to him.

Is that the problem in of itself…I am not you?

If that is so, mind your age. We’re all adults here. I’ll share him with you. Share his time. His energy. His love. But you need to promise me this in return, don’t break his heart by talking ill of mine. I’m his girl … and when I wake later and he asks me about forever and to make the kind of promises people in love swear to keep … I will be forever more. And he should never have to worry that you’d hurt me … because you’re his family …isn’t that how the story goes?

Meet His Future

Jared Leto was falling in love and he likened it to being poisoned.  For him, love has always been toxic, but he was becoming addicted to her.  Thoughts of her consumed him.  Though he tried quite hard to push them (and her) away time and again, she invaded his mind.  Took residence in his soul.  He couldn’t shake her.  Couldn’t run far enough from her.  She was in the reflections of the windows in Paris.  Inside a rain drop in Rome.  Underneath an awning, in the form of a ray of sunshine, on a shaded street in Copenhagen warming his shoulders and making him grateful again for this life.

His life, a busy life, became story he needed to tell her.  Something she’d want to write about.  While they were making plans for the future, he was forgetting all about the past.  She was fixing him.  Unconsciously fixing him.  Their bi-coastal love affair was therapeutic.  And Jared Leto needs lots and lots of therapy.

With so much time apart between them, he would forget how she felt in his arms.  But he’d never forget her laugh – always so hearty and free.  She’d guffaw in to the phone, trying to tell a story and getting strangled by hysterics before she could get the words out and he’d stare at the phone waiting for her to recover, annoyed that he couldn’t follow her train of thought and then she’d deliver the last few lines and drop the phone and roll all over the ground clutching her stomach and he’d watch her on the house security cameras he loaded on the laptop before he called her (he liked to see her run around the house looking for her cell, giddy that it was his ring tone) and he would say to himself “I want to marry that girl.”  and she’d pick up her cellphone, apologize and he’d hear a smile in her voice, and he’d check the security camera on his laptop again and he’d see she was twisting the ends of her hair, her nervous tick, and he’d know she still needed his approval and he’d love her even more.

And of course there’s her smile.  Resplendent and honest.  She makes him smile by smiling all the time and when she smiles just for him, his heart lurches forward in his chest like he was hit by a two ton freighter.  Her teeth not quite straight and their color not quite white should irritate him.  He hates imperfect teeth. Her tiny mouth didn’t quite suit her head.  There are a gazillion things about her that he hates inside everyone else he has ever met.  The way the pink of her lips was such a contrast to the pale peach of her skin.  She wasn’t perfect, but she was.  So very perfect. In ways he’d never vocalize. She is moody and has thick hips.  Creases around her eyes and laugh lines.  There is perfection inside her imperfections and he loves her for it all.  For changing his view point.  For taking away the shallow and replacing it with all of her.  Every last inch.  Every last freckle.

Oh, Lord above, he’s in deep.  And he’s scared.  And he’s thankful.  And he’s scared.  She would never pass the tests everyone else would give her.  Thankfully, she doesn’t care about that sort of thing, he tries not to either, but it would always be there.  All those people wondering whats wrong with him and why she’s not someone else….anyone but her.  He’s not enough man to fill the hole inside her soul that years worth of “why you of all people” would wear down.  And he knows this.  And it scares him.

He sat down on their bed and observed the way she slept: her long auburn hair covering the pillow and a portion of her face, twisting this way and that, suffocating her.  Her lips slightly parted, breath sneaking in and out.  Jared liked to kiss her while she slept, influence her dreams in some telepathic way.  He did it so often that he stopped fearing she’d wake because she never did.

He used to worry that her eyes would snap open and she’d catch him at that moment before his lips met hers.  When he was moving in for the smooch.  Too close for comfort but not close enough to be obvious he was just after a kiss. How would he explain hovering over her face while she slept?  That was his worry but he probably wouldn’t have to explain a thing.  She understood him.  All of his idiosyncrasies made sense to her and she, of course, hated some, loathed others but without much tadoo; she accepted them all.  Jared was Jared and not a science experiment or something to tolerate because of his fame.  He was him and that was ok.  More than ok.

Jared leaned over his girl, pressed his lips in to her and relaxed his spine.  This girl is his girl.  This imperfect bundle of blankets and flesh and hair and sticky sweat (she hates air conditioning) loves him too.

This comatose chickie with an apple shaped ass owned him.  He slid closer to her, his boots on the bed, his jacket still zipped.  Spooning her body with his.  Sliding his right leg between hers (where her body pillow used to be).  And she sank in to him, from a twilight sleep she felt him there and she readjusted her position.  Her apple bottom finding the warmth of his crotch, her favorite perch.  Her hand reaching out for his arm to wrap around her. He cradled her before kissing her neck.

His beautiful princess fell back to sleep with him beside her before he could tell her he was home.  Safe and secure.  She didn’t need the words, though he loved to say them to her, she just needed him.  She quickly returned to the depths of slumber where snores are made.  That soft snore would horrify her if she knew.  But she only snored on days he returned from travel, finally able to sleep deep because he was there.  He’d never embarrass her with it, the fact that she snored those nights. His little secret, he liked knowing things about her she’d never know.  Like how she sometimes looked at his shoulder instead of his eyes when she spoke.  How she had a rich vocabulary but used the word “decadent” incorrectly.

At his hotel this morning, he couldn’t sleep.  He wandered the streets.  Too late for criminals; already high or locked up.  Too early for the coffee baristas and school bus drivers.  And he thought about her, about marriage and forever and today and tomorrow and yesterday and the sunrise and the sunset and whether he wanted her there for the rest of his; however many that would be, and he decided he needed her there.  Risk be damned. Insanity, come hither.  This is it.  She…is…it.  This might be suicide.  A death sentence.  Rebirth.  But it’s his now.  Her present.  And he’s going to ask her to stay for eternity. To be his bride.  To risk what they have right here, right now for something bigger than the two of them.  Something the Priests bless and no man should put asunder

….as soon as she wakes up.


Meet Trinity Irish

The relatively small dance floor at Light Nightclub, on the strip in Las Vegas, was packed with sweaty, half-lit pretty people undulating to a tempestuous beat. Trinity Irish was easily 100 bodies deep from the DJ shaking her ass with three of her best girlfriends: Rae, Beth and Junie.  Some random, but harmless, guys attached themselves to the girls early on in the night and they were supplying them with bottomless drinks from the bar; probably in hope that one of them would score, but more than likely just so they could stay close to the prettiest girls in the club as the night wore on. Every so often Rae or Beth would toss the guys a bone and dance with them for a few songs.

The guys were generous and maybe a bit too clingy but definitely harmless and from out of state just like the girls.  The girls didn’t mind the company and the guys didn’t mind buying them drinks. It was a good partnership so far.

The shy guy with glasses handed Trinity another flirty-named drink. A sex-on-the-whatever bomb. It was melting quickly in the plastic cup. She took a quick sip from a neon pink straw, winked at the shy guy and elbowed one of her best friends. They shared a look that confirmed the night was going well. It was probably midnight, no one wears a watch in Las Vegas, a wild night could most definitely manifest like they planned.  It’s still very early and there were rumors about who was in town tonight.  Trinity’s favorite band.  Rae’s favorite stylist. Beth preferred anyone who could be called famous. Junie was just along for the ride.  Something could most certainly happen tonight.  Trinity twisted her long hair in to a loose braid so her tattoos would be on full display.  Her calling card; a call to the wild.

Most people, at some point in their lives, have or will experience a night just like the one Trinity, Rae, Beth and Junie are seeking.  If they could remember it, that is.  A wild ride. The type so ridiculously indulgent that it’s simply impossible not to have the time of your life and forget all about the bullshit from the real world for a night.  The girls planned on drinking themselves in to oblivion, puking out their problems as needed and never mentioning this night again.  If any one of them wanted to sneak back to the suite with a guy they just met, no one was going to judge.  This trip was all about being wild.  Over the top.  And downright insane.  It should go without saying:  What happens in Vegas…

The smoldering bodies on the crowded dance floor oscillated around the girls as they unwound to the ephemeral tracks the DJ was unleashing on them.  There wasn’t much room to dance, but thats probably a good thing. Trinity’s crew of girls are pretty, hot even, and that’s a blessing because none of them can actually dance worth a shit.  They can jump, beebop, sway, shake their butts, point at the air then at the floor like the Village People …but they definitely can’t dance.

Trinity Irish handed the shy guy her empty cup and ground her ass in to a 20-something kid with a pierced eyebrow. He slid his hands along her waist and over the tattoos that decorated her bare skin.  The Echelon symbol, glyphs and the lyrics to her favorite 30 Seconds to Mars songs were among the many exposed on her shoulders, upper arms and back.  Trinity has that rock-chick look thats still hella-girly but with an edge.  More rockabilly than rollergirl.  She has pale skin and ridiculously long black hair that she styles with big rollers and lots of pins. Eyes so blue they look fake.  A tiny pierced nose, high cheeks laden with more piercings and naturally long and enviably thick eye lashes that she has colored purple for the night. She wears lots of black eyeliner but that is offset by her bright eyeshadow and pinky-pink lips.  All that makeup might make her sound like a clown but really she’s all rock-n-roll.  Trinity wears tattoos instead of jewelry.  Roses in rings around her fingers.  Triads and stars form bracelets around her wrists.  Soft purples and pinks.  Greens that are more lime than emerald.  Reds that compliment the yellows.  Feminine.

Trinity placed her hands on top of her new pierced-friend’s hands as they moved their hips together to the beat.  Dude needed to be kept in line. She slapped his hand more than once as he made a move for the boob.  “Knock it off” she said sternly. He still tried to get a little too handsy a little too quickly so she slipped away from him and twerked up on her best girlfriend. Her friend, already deeply embedded in the fun stage of inebriation, slapped her ass and rode her to the beat. Then they sandwiched the shy guy and danced on him as the pierced wanna-be punk got the hint and huffed away.

The shy guy turned three different shades of green, as the girls danced on either side of him, before his skin settled on a bright red color.  Two-glasses-of-wine-and-already-spun-out-of -her-mind Junie Robertson thought his reaction was precious so she attempted to flat-out murder the kid by kissing him full on the mouth while Trinity shimmied his hips side to side. Lots of tongue and a little too much traded spit later Junie screamed in Trinity’s ear over shy guy’s shoulder “I Fucking Love You So Much..You Just Don’t Even Know!” and Trinity shouted back “I Love You Too!”  The song switched to something more melodic and Junie laid her spinning head down on the shy guy’s shoulder and found out with great disappointment that his name is George.  George Victor George.

An hour or so later George George had gotten to second base with Junie and Trinity was bored.  Trinity pulled her iphone out of her bra and sent a group text to the girls “Club is HOTTT boys are NOTTT.” Little by little the girls all received her text and rolled their eyes or nodded emphatically in agreement while still moving to the beat. “I think I’m going to take George George’s virginity.” was the one text she got back, from Junie of course.

“Should we leave?” Trinity texted the group.  No one saw the text because all eyes were on an oblivious Trinity Irish who was throwing her hands up in the air like she just don’t care and on the person who had just made his way through the mass of bodies to be by her side.

Trinity was fantasizing about being a Cirque de Soleil dancer and waiting for her friends to reply when she felt a hand grasp her arm.  Something about the squeeze was immediately calming and not alarming.  It was familiar.  Only someone who knew they owned her would clasp their hand around her like that.  Anyone else would get a knee to the crotch. She sensed it was him but her imagination was always working overtime.  There was no way … But just in case, Trinity didn’t turn around to see who grabbed her by the arm, instead she looked over to her friends to gauge their reaction. If it was who she was hoping it was clenching her upper arm, there were rumors swirling that he was in town, it would show on their face immediately.  She flashed her eyes towards her girls and the harmless clingers and they were starring wide-eyed back at her.  No one was afraid that someone had grabbed Trinity by the arm but everyone was most definitely in shock. She took that as a yes.  It was him.  She inhaled deeply and memorized the sensation on her upper arm.  The intensity of his grip.

Jared Joseph Leto was holding Trinity Ophelia Irish tightly by the arm.

Trinity recognized his grasp though he has never touched her before. She’s seen him do it a dozen times.  Directing fans across the stage.  Pulling a lucky someone in to his embrace. She’s imagined how it felt a thousand times or more. Her imagination fixated on the suggestion that he liked to be in control. He probably saw her tattoos illuminated by the lights in the club like a beacon.  She smiled.  A honing beacon meant for other Echelon, but instead snagged the biggest fish.

She refocused on his grip.  In her mind, Trinity has twisted his familiar but still tawdry gesture in to a torrid sex fantasy she liked to visit over and over again when she was alone in her bedroom.  The type of fantasy that required the lights be off and the ceiling fan be set on high. A fantasy that involved Jared wrapping those splendid hands around her neck tightly and squeezing her throat ever so gingerly so that the oxygen became sparse and the ecstasy became full bodied.  She’d float up in the air while he filled her with his hardy cock. Too talented at this game to kill her, he’d only fulfill her.  Pleasurable pain.  Measured and delivered with love.   Trinity absentmindedly licked her lips as she came back to the present again.

Maybe she had finally had too much to drink. Why would Jared Leto be here?  This club is hot but this night isn’t really on his level. But, alas, the room wasn’t spinning.  Her friends weren’t escorting her to the bathroom.  And she still felt his pressure on her skin.  It might be true.

Only a second or two had passed as Trinity digested his appearance at her side.  She tried to focus.  Figure out how to react. She knows what she’d do if this were her fantasy but it’s not.  Or is it?  Does she have the balls to respond the way she always dreamed she’d do?

Jared squeezed her arm ever so slightly to alert her to his presence again. Who knows what he was thinking about her non-response.  She pretended not to notice and prayed he couldn’t feel her shaking ever so slightly beneath his grip while she worked up the nerve to respond.  She leaned in to her friends and pretended to be too busy to notice him because she was engrossed in a very important conversation with her clique.

His long fingers could reach almost completely around her upper arm and they held her firmly in place as the pressure sent a thousand instructions through her body.  But Trinity Irish is not submissive. She wouldn’t give in to his control.  She thought about his delicate and almost feminine fingers sliding inside her.  Stroking her bud.  Burying deep.  If she wasn’t already sweating from dancing, the moisture on the back of her neck would give her away.  But she’s not submissive goddammit and she refused to give in to him.

Too much time was passing now, nearly a full minute, she had to react or she might lose his attention all together.  Trinity inhaled deep, storing oxygen in her toes, and turned around.  Before saying a word she planted her free hand firmly on Jared’s dick.  Her fingertips grazed his balls. Jared and Trinity were face to face now.  Eye to eye.  Lip nearly to lip. His cock warming up in her hand while he held tightly to her upper arm.  The skin twisting beneath his fingers since she turned around.  A nightclub filled with bodies surrounding them.  Nosey people.  The star fucker sort.  People with camera phones and generic Instagram accounts with an audience one hundred million people wide just waiting for the day’s juicy photo.

Jared let go first.

Trinity whispered in his ear “I win.” and let go of his manhood.

“That doesn’t count.” He replied back.  His hands now on both of her shoulders.  His well manicured nails digging ever so slightly in to her skin.  Jared looked delicious tonight.  His long ombred hair was pulled up in a big claw clip.  Wisps were escaping the clip and haphazardly hanging here and there. He looked like he may have been dancing for a while too.  Hot but not sweaty.  Jared was wearing a sheer black top unbuttoned just enough to expose his sparkling cross necklace, extra-long sleeves, vegan leather cuff, black jeans, crazy printed socks and unzipped boots.  He looked like he was half-devil half-god incarnate.  The lights of the club gliding over him making him all the more attractive.

She kissed him on the cheek and said “The score is Trinity Irish: One.” she made a number one sign with her pointer finger and slid it across his lips “and Jared Leto: Zero.”  She created a big zero by putting both hands together and then she turned away from him and back to her friends. You can go now, she thought to herself in effort to sell that message with her body language knowing full well that Jared likes a challenge and wouldn’t take orders from her.  The night is still very young and Trinity was suddenly horny as hell, she hoped she pissed him off.  She was dying to find out if she pissed him off.

Trinity dropped her jaw open and widened her eyes to her girlfriends who were watching the whole thing as she waited for his next move. Inside her heart was racing and if she wasn’t already nearly soaked through, you’d feel her palms filling with sweat and the back of her neck getting hotter.  Jared slid in behind Trinity and leaned his body against her so it would look like they were dancing instead of having a tete-a-tete.  They moved to the beat while Jared grumbled in her ear “I said that doesn’t count.”  His hands moved over her tattoos much the same as the pierced kid but she let Jared run his thumb over her nipple and his hands between her legs as she sank backwards in to him.  They were dancing while his hands roamed and for once, Trinity looked really good doing it.

“Some dom you are.” she snarked.

Jared ground his hips in to her, locked one of her arms behind her back and ran his free hand up her neck.  Trinity’s head spun. The crowd checked them out but eventually went back to their own business as it looked like Trinity and Jared must be old friends (friends with benefits). Maybe Trinity Irish is famous too.  A few people speculated then went back to their own drinks and their own lives  (after snapping a few photos to tweet just how spectacular their lives are…look a celebrity in their midst…that’ll get them 13 likes for sure! of course)

Jared’s cock was erect and pressed hard in to her back as he squeezed her neck ever so slightly. His hand disappeared in to her hair and he pulled it.  She was imagining what she’d do with his cock if given the chance when he abruptly stepped back and possibly walked away.  She didn’t want to look over her shoulder to see if he had gone but she couldn’t help it.

He was standing there just a pace or two behind her.  She grimaced.  Dammit.  He stepped forward, pulled her into his arms and said in to her ear “I think we’re tied now.”  before taking a fistful of her ass in his hand and biting her hard on the neck.  Trinity surrendered and they disappeared off the dance floor.